I am working with an older dell laptop (700 MHz, 384 RAM). It had viruses that I could not get rid of so I wiped the hard drive and installed a fresh version of windows (I couldn't restore it) This is a pet project to see if I can get it back up to level I had it at before, since I have another laptop and PC. I installed Windows Media Center with service pack 2, but I am missing a lot of stuff like the the network connections and Installshield first and foremost , Internet Explorer etc. Installshied seems to be the biggest problem. I cannot install anything since the (ikernel.exe) is missing. I need to know how to set up my basic Ethernet connections so I can get onto Windows Update. Also will I need drivers from Dell themselves? Please note I am not trying to spend any money on software. I need the "resourceful people" on this. If your answer is something you don't want to put in a public forum email me direct. All others need not answer. So no "Go to Best Buy, Circuit City, Fry's, and buy X Y&Z", or "It's not right to pirate software, blah, blah, blah." Please list include links in your answers whenever possible.