I am at the end of my rope. I am with what I think is the love of my life. At the beginning he was loving, affectionate, caring... attentive... and he pays more attention to the dog.
He tells me he loves me, hates to see me upset and hurting. The only thing I ask him for is a bit of quality time, which obviously.... he won't give me. It always comes down to the same thing, us going round for round about me asking for quality time alone and his telling me I'm selfish and demanding for expecting that, me tellling him I've been waiting for "time" for three months and your friends get it all, he tells me I'm crazy and I cry.
I know I should not threaten anything without fully being willing to follow through with it. I got to the point that I started packing to leave, which apparently put the fear of God into him, he apologized to me. Told me he just doesn't know how to give me what I want. (???) And then gives me endless attention until it seems I'm comfortable again and then he goes back to his old ways.
Is there some way to explain to him that he is hurting me? I've told him exactly what I've put here, and he acknowledges it, but never does anything to change it. He has no problem telling me he hates seeing me so down or crying, but won't do anything to stop making me feel this way. I hope that doesn't sound like it's all about me, because that isn't what I'm going for here... I'm trying to go for "US".
No mean, sarcastic answers here... please.