
I wish I was dead so bad... I'm really depressed please help?

by  |  earlier

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well everything has been so awful and I feel like nobody wants me here anymore and I don't want to die but I feel like I have to.. like I have no friends and I get bullied, and my family all hate me and call me names and tell me they wish I was dead and stuff.. I need advice?? What can I do? I'm seriously considering hurting myself tonight?




  1. when people feel like this it is important to seek medical attention see your doctor asap  talk with him that's why he is there for to help

    and can put you in touch with lots of other professional people

    you know we all go through feeling low mood and not wanted but there is a simple answer to it all that can help and that's been positive of your self and been confident so do see your doctor talk with mam or dad as when we feel low like this we always see things 10-20 times as bad as what

    thy really are

    good luck

  2. Everyone has one of these times. You'll feel better in a day or so. As for your family saying they wish you were dead, ignore them. Sometimes families hold you back so if they aren't being supportive tell them to p**s off.  You'll find new friends and things will get better. Do things that make you happy and ride the bad days out and enjoy the good ones.

  3. talk to someone. if you don;t have anyone you can talk to (ie friends) send me a message. i will talk it through with you

  4. Did you ask your family face-to-face whether they wished you harm?  Or have you just been arguing with them over something that has nothing to do with wishing you dead?

    I think that you should maybe check with your family about what they actually did say and ask them why they said it.  Then ask yourself what you said in return to what they said.  Have you just assumed that they think this?

  5. well do not kill your self i have the same pleams my fam hate me too

  6. Dont let others get you down. Cheer up please. Always say to yourself you are the best, no matter what. There is always goodness in everyone of us. Dont feel depressed. Get busy and do something good for yourself everyday.

  7. first of all i would recommend calling a local help line in your area. they are qualified to help you.Then, you need to think to the future. What you are going through will not last forever. You will move out of home, leave school, have a different life. I know that is hard to see right now, but it will happen.

    you can also message me on yahoo messenger. It is in my details. I will turn it on now.

  8. The answer is, firstly, not to hurt yourself. Try your absolute hardest not to get into the habit of self-harm. You've gotten this far, to this depressed state without harming yourself, which shows you have some sort of power over depression.

    All is not lost. You say you don't want to die, but feel like you have to. Did you know that for most depressed people, it clears up in 4 to 10 months?

    Look on depression as a seperate entity. Depression is not you, you are not depression. It is a state of mind and you can break out of this depression. Right now you might be being bullied & not have any friends, but this won't last forever. You'll go through life meeting friends, lovers etc. And as for your family, are you absolutely one-hundred percent sure they hate you? You might have had some cross words with them, but I am quite sure that regardless of anything, they love you to pieces. How would they feel if you took your own life? They'd be devastated. So would everyone who knows you. Even your bullies wouldn't want you to take your own life.

    You need to phone some helplines. Try talking to the Samaritans:

    Have you been to your doctor about how you feel? He/she can put you in touch with a counsellor. Or if you're still at school, perhaps you should think about visting your school's counsellor.

    Good luck. Things will improve for you.

  9. Think about it this way if you were to be dead you wouldn't see your mum again and you wouldn't see your pets again and, you should be thankfull for life there's children out there who would kill to be like you they don't have a home or parents think about that

  10. This is only a temporary bad space...It won't always be like this. Being bullied is horrible, I know, Please don't harm yourself. Things WILL get better. You will make new friends. Don't give up.

    Think about the future and what you would like to do: what job you'd like to have, what skills you have now and quafifications you can get to get there, where you would like to travel to, when you will fall in love, all the wonderful life experiences you're going to have in the years ahead. You can have hope and a future - Jeremiah 29:11 in the Bible. You are a unique person, one of a kind. Hang in there and choose to make it through. Choose life.

    Find the counsellor at school and talk it all out with them. It'll help. Best wishes..

  11. We all feel like we "have no friends" because we look at people who have a ton of them and ask what makes them so much better than us. There is nothing wrong with you, and nobody hates you. Those bullies are bullying you because they are insecure about themselves and it makes them feel superior to do so. I'm sure you have people in this world who love you. Everyone does. Even if you don't what about God? (idk if you are religious)

    If you have someone you can talk to, like a close friend or something, a hug goes a long way when you are depressed, trust me. Love conquers all.

    You can also go to sleep. That's what I do. When you are asleep, you can't feel pain. It's almost like not being alive for a few hours until you feel better.

    If you are completely out of ideas, I can lend an ear if you want to add me on MSN :)

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