
I wish mummy uranobhead had not given uranobhead a liverpool encyclopedia for her 14th birthday. waddayefink?

by  |  earlier

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steve: once more ? i will continue to abuse the prick until he stops lying and gets a proper name, even pool fans can see through his transperancy.




  1. you need to see a doctor

  2. Yesss! Someone who isn't serious!!!!


    ;-) Why so serious? xxx♥♥♥x*x

  3. Why dont you do us a favour give it a rest your like a broken record moan moan moan GROW UP MAN!!

    edit, And your point is? if you mean im a clone no im not if you mean married to kenny yes i am happily thank you!

  4. I'll pass on answering that one I think! I'm presuming you are referrng to a fellow user here! Anyway this time its just a warning Giggs, once more and you'll go in the book!

  5. lol thats funny

    no offense Uranob;)

  6. Oooh  nasty Giggsy boy!When you going off to the retirement village in Llandudno then?Oh and take Neville and Scholesy with ya...

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