
I wish people would get off Sylvia Browne's back already. People want to say that she is not a real physic....

by  |  earlier

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....because she charges for her readings? That's just like saying a person who loves and knows how to teach,a teacher,shouldnt pay for her services. As for me,if you are good at something,like teaching,you have to make your money some how.

You wouldnt find a teacher who doesnt get paid to teach...just like all teachers out there,Sylvia needs to make a living too,so back off of her. And why do you think when she IS wrong,that it is a big contraversy? If she was wrong alot,nobody would make a big deal of it. So that just goes to show you people that,for the most part,she is almost,always right.

She is like a teacher...she helps people and gets paid for it.

The people who criticize her are just jealous they dont have her talent and brains.

All your opinions are welcome.




  1. I think she falls into a religious category.  if you believe in psychic ability, then she is worth the money, if you don't believe, you shouldn't pay a penny to her.  She has been right on some pretty weird things, but wrong in others.  Like any other person she probably has good days and bad days.

  2. i second your emotion and agree with you completely.  she is for real and the money she earns is fair for what she does for people.  she also donated to alot of great causes....have you read her many books, they are great and  i have them all.....she has said many times, [ on readings, shows, etc... that if they dont believe her that is their problem, i agree with her, if they dont want to listen that is their problem, so dont worry it is all good...we know she is for real.... take care

  3. No, they say she's not a real psychic because she's constantly wrong.  And $850 for 20 minutes of general 'predictions' that could apply to anyone is a bit steep.

    She's a con artist.  I hope you didn't waste any of your money on her, but here's a website with stories of people who ARE sorry they wasted their money.  And sometimes, their lives.

    "If she was wrong alot,nobody would make a big deal of it. So that just goes to show you people that,for the most part,she is almost,always right."  What?  That didn't make sense.  Yes, she is wrong a lot.  Often very, very wrong.  

  4. This has nothing to do with teaching. It seems as if you are attacking teachers for people's opinions on Sylvia Browne.

    I have no opinion one way or the other on her abilities or powers. Just back off the teachers, please. There really is no comparison.

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