
I wish to Worship the Cat Goddess of Ra , which "judaism" copied , may I do this?

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  1. You are free to worship who ever and whatever you choose.

    I would be interested to know the connections between Bastet or Bast,Sekmet in her chaotic aspect and Judaism.

    This is something that I have not heard before and can find no connection mentioned in the links you gave.


  2. Sure worship who ever you want to.

  3. Sure, if you want.  I mean, you're in a country that allows freedom of religion, right?  Her name's Bast.

  4. I'll let you off just this once.

  5. Uh actually they copied the God Ra, the sun god.  The cat goddess has a different name and I've yet to see a connection between them and judaism.

  6. If you live in a country where they have freedom of Religion- sure.

    But Ra is the God of the Sun in Egypt (later Ammon-Ra).  Feel free to worship the sun; just wear some sunblock if you play to pray and don't look directly into the sun (its godly powers will burn your retinas)

  7. Ra means to see.  Cats are so aware of their surroundings that Egyptians thought to give them that label.

  8. If you live in a democratic society you can worship any god you wish. You are miss informed about Judaism.  Jews worshiped the God known as Yaway.  This is the only God worshiped by the Jews who originated monothesitic religion.

  9. Have you been in the catnip again?

  10. you can worship Roger the god of high impact plastic if you want to.... Weather the people around you will be offended or respect your decision is another question, but in this country, as long as you aren't doing physical harm to any people or animals, no one can stop you.

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