
I wish to start a new political party, would anybody like to comment on my manifesto?

by  |  earlier

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1- Stop giving golden handshakes to post-graduate students to become teachers, and instead offer the same package to ex-service personal on the principal that we have spent so much time teaching them to shoot straight, walk in straight lines and do what they are told, some of it may rub of on the younger generation.

2-Unemployment benefit to be given on a community work system. E.g. 40 hour working week: 20 hours community service, 20 hours in Job centre learning new skills = Benefit paid. Failure to sign in to either and benefit stopped.

3- The legalization of Cannabis. More research into medical use, and licenses to grow and sell.

4- Stop the onslaught of 'Gambling'. Review of the National Lottery so that it actually helps communities. Stop the 'Super Casino' idea. Increase legislation in regards to age limits on bookies and betting shops.

5- Increase on tax for families who use more than one car, but real investment in viable public transport.




  1. Like a curate's egg, good in parts

    Try it out.  A cross between BNP and Libdem

  2. you've got my vote!

  3. I`ll bet you`re a real bundle of laughs in the boozers, if not, you should be.

  4. It's a good start but I am looking for a party that will get us out of globalization.

  5. I think its good to have as many choices as possable,and if i didnt agree i have a vote.Keep going,you could do well, i doubt anyone voting for the three main parties agrees with all they do,even within the ranks.Point Number 5,we could make more use of our canal system,in terms of slower moving cargo,or passenger lines within districts that have canals,or create more.Best of luck

  6. *** on vote is wid u its not easy ........thn also is the better way to make country progress in the rite direction.....n wil vanish many of the india prblmssss...........

    so if u need any of my support contact me .....


  7. Licenses to grow and sell a produce that has been proved to negatively effect the nervous system is definitely a no no.

    Nice try.

  8. I only agree with point 2  - sorry, dont get my vote.

  9. Sounds like the same old c**p from all the other candidates.

    Promises with no way of making them a reality or funding them.

    You would get into power, spend your entire administration trying to pass #3, probably get caught using it several times and retire in disgrace.

    Blah, blah, blah!

    Oh yea, were you advocating making schools "boot camps" because there is nothing in a soldiers training that makes them educators, just soldiers.  Putting soldiers in charge of young people would be boot camp.  They might learn discipline and how to shoot but they wouldn't learn physics.

    Now let me think.... when was the last time I heard we need to take all our young people and indoctrinate them into the ways of the state?


  10. I agree with four out of five of your points.

    I don't agree with number 3 as it would mean it would be legal to smoke cannabis in public, I choose not to smoke it and I am totally against suffering the fumes of someone else smoking it.  It is bad enough breathing in nicotine fumes at the bus stop without getting high on them.  

    I really agree with point two, it is an excellent suggestion to help combat the country's unemployment and cant be bothered attitude.  

    And as a non driver I would welcome a better investment in public transport.

    What are you hoping to call your political party and can i join lol

  11. You have some ideas, but to start a Political Party you need to find where you stand on the important issues that are discussed and decided on in politics. I am not saying anything bad about your ideas, but they are too specific for a political party.

  12. You want to take away my cars?  Just lost me dude sorry!

  13. yes yor an ideot go back to scool

  14. 1) do we really want our kids learning from people whos only trained skill is killing peole and gun handling?

    2) all these community work jobs would decrease the number of jobs availible and rise unemployment

    3) the more research that has been done into cannabis the more harmful it appears

    4) ok will give you that one

    5) too difficult to enforce, what defines a family, middle income families with two working people would be hit for six if they have to commute for their jobs

  15. It's a little uneven. Some of it is good, some is a little extreme. But I guess the point of making your own political party is because you're not satisfied with the current options. I agree with you there. Good Luck in your endeavour.

  16. where do you stand on imigration?

  17. I like the idea of a new political party.  You've got some interesting ideas.  It is refreshing to see you ask for comments on your manifesto.  I cannot remember any of our established political parties asking for public comment on their manifestos.  Whilst I do not want to detract from your manifesto points, the most attractive part of your proposal is the fact that you ask for people's opinions.  

    For your new party to be successful you will need a broader and more detailed platform, covering issues such as health, Europe, the invasion by the UK of  other nations, housing, town planning and country planning, etc.

    Perhaps if your new political party gets going, and more manifesto points are added you should continue seeking the people's views as much as possible.

    "Yahoo" is an expression of happiness.  I wish you well, and hope through your ongoing Yahoo consultations, the U.K. can finally get a party that seeks the happiness of the nation rather than the general misery for the population that our established political parties seem committed to achieve.  Why not call your new party "Yahoo!"

  18. swell ..but i think you need more ideas ..and think about who your audience is and why ur unique and u should be chosen insted of any1 else! it very 'typical' [something most people will write].

  19. i like some of them but hate others.  I say give the golden handshake to both post-grads and ex-service.  Those of us who have been at uni in recent years have been screwed over enough with the tuition fees so we deserve something if we are going to take an extra year and another £4k to become a teacher.

    Your unemployment benefit idea looks like a waste of money.  I am currently claiming it since i finished my degree and am looking for a full time job, sending to learn new skills is a waste of time because i don't need any new skills i just need to find a job which can take time when you are a graduate with limited experience.

    the final 3 i can agree on but this wouldn't be enough because you haven't mentioned health care, education, defence, police or any of the things that most consider to be the crucial things that people vote on

  20. I don't agree with 1).

  21. I asked this question last week and got 5 answers -  

    What are the issues that will matter to you [a UK citizen] when the next general election arrives?  

    I really don't think the nation is interested any more and unless you can spark the imagination and give people what they really want - don't waste your time!

  22. yeah

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