
I wish to visit brazil in the summer but cant afford the airfare, is it possible to walk/swim from the uk?

by Guest32991  |  earlier

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I wish to visit brazil in the summer but cant afford the airfare, is it possible to walk/swim from the uk?




  1. It is currently being done so yes you can,( if you spend more time) Check out

    Karl busby has just crossed the strait between alaska and russia. he walked there from the tip of south america. unfortunatly right now hes in jail in russia because he doesnt have a visa. interesting story, I didnt know you could walk from uk to cape horn.

  2. Yes you can swim there, it will only take about half an hour.  Be sure to put on a full suit of armor before you go in the water.  If you are a British citizen, you don't need a visa.  Have fun.

  3. Walk absolutly NOT, Swimming at least you want to swim like for 8 months and you'll die!

    The best is in plane $1000 pounds dosen't matter you get there in 10 hours!!! LOL

  4. you most certainly could try ; i strongly doubt that you would live to tell how it went.

  5. no, your an idiot

  6. hahaha that's funny

  7. do it.

  8. yes dear,it is extremely possible to visit Brazil from the uk by swim or walk !

    if you really want the solution,just write me few words along with your photograph

  9. Sorry to say that you can't. But if you get yourself loaded up in a wide barrel canon and give it a go, then you can.

    Please don't try it. It's just a joke. You never know who is reading it.

  10. I shouldn't think it's impossible, but the amount of support you'd require probably outcosts the airfare you would otherwise pay.

    Have you considered hiring a row boat?

  11. If you are very young and like to swim or walk a lot you should start and try. Do not forget to let us know in a couple of year if you made it? Good Luck!

  12. que bababca!!!

  13. you could walk thru the channel tunnel to france, then go north to denmark, walk over the bridge to sweden, then on to russia, then wait till winter, walk over the ice to alaska, and down to Brazil.


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