
I woke up and my dream care was a BAD dream!?

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short version of the dream:

I was really depressed. I started cutting my wrists and watching my tears fall into the three cuts. I woke up crying, I looked at my wrist and there were three cuts the same as the ones in the dream. AND THEY WERE FRESH CUTS! I have never cut myself and I'm really freaked out about this.

Please help me. I'm only 14 and I'm so scared




  1. very possible that you were sleep walking....and if you are you need to see a professional about it..

  2. GO TELL YOUR PARENTS NOW!!!! IF YOU CAN'T FOR SOME REASON YOU NEED TO TELL SOMEONE ELSE! A FRIENDS MOM PERHAPS. you may think there is nothing seriously wrong but if you really had this dream then there has to be something wrong in your thoughts....

  3. first of all go and tell ur parents , u might b sleepwalking and cuting ur self in dream , maybe ur werent asleep maybe u were sleepwalking and ur eyes were open and u saw everyting , and r u depressed

  4. Are you depressed for real, or just in your dream? Any idea what you got cut with, and where it was located? It sounds like maybe you were sleep walking.

    If you are depressed for real, you need to figure out why, and try to get some help. It might not hurt for you to see a doctor if you have sleep troubles too. If you feel like you can't talk to your parents, find a teacher you trust at school.

    I wish you luck. That does sound very frightening.

  5. i think u were sleep walking and got a knife and cut urself. tell ur parents and talk 2 a professional about ur dream

  6. Let your parents know about this and tell them the about the dream. It sound like you were sleepwalking. If you are under some type of stress your sub-conscious might have a big part in what's going on so make sure that you speak to someone about this. The worst thing is not to tell someone that is close to you.

  7. How odd.

    1.) Tell your parents.

    2.) Find out how you were cut. Find the knife that did it, check under your fingernails, everything.

    3.) Make sure you keep your arm clean, you might even want to go to a doctor, just in case.

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