
I woke up one night hands straight out sitting indian style levitating looking at what appeared to be a ghost.

by  |  earlier

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I woke up one night with my hands straight out in front of me, sitting indian style, levitating off my bed. I looked forward to see in my doorway a seethrough figure holding what appeared to be a baby wrapped in a blanket. She reached out her arms as if to hand the bundle to me. I all at once threw down my arms and fell about what I'm guessing was two feet. When I landed I landed right on top of my husband's chest. I was so scared all I could do it babble and nundge my husband to wake. The moan he let out sent shivers down my back. He said his chest hurt and he felt like he was going to die. I looked back up and the figure had disappeared. It took a good while to get back to sleep. I had to convince myself it was only a scary dream. The next day my husband woke and immediatly complained that his chest hurt. I'm not conviced anymore it was a dream. We had a few other episodes like this is that house. We've since moved. What do you think it means?




  1. In your sleep, your mind is in another "world" and you are able to perceve things you normally couldn't. That was perhaps why you saw the ghost...

  2. wow thats kool (sometimes when dreams that u fall u actually kinda of fall in your bed)

  3. UH!

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