
I woke up this morning and my left eye is completley swollen...?

by  |  earlier

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it looks like someone punched me..! does anyone know what this might be?!




  1. If your eye is red, burning, plus tearing up, or a feeling like you have something in your eye and sensitivity to light you may have pink eye(also called conjunctivitis) . I get it all the time. It is a virus and is very contagious.  I use a over the counter homeopathic solution called 'Similsan" pink eye relief. It works great for me. Also ice packs and ibuprofen to take down the swelling and ease the pain. It also may take seven to ten days,with no treatment, for it to completely go away. Bummer, but true. With treatment you should be able to go back to work in about 4 days without infecting anyone else, and go see your Doctor!

  2. Could be an allergy of some sort or maybe an eye-infection if your eye is weepy. Pop in to your local pharmacy and they will give you something for it.  

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