
I woke up this morning and saw millions of black ants at the bottom of my steps. how can i get rid of them?

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i tried to spray them with bug spray when there wasnt as many. i have cats so i have to be careful. any help would be sooooo appreciated. thanks sassy




  1. Spray some oven cleaner in their path. They won't cross it.

  2. Boil the kettle and let 'em have the lot.

    Its not cruel, they die instantly.

  3. Blast them to kingdom come! Use spray with lighter or buy one of those butane gas cartridges for gas cookers. Remove the nozzle head from the bug spray and attach to the gas can and tape a candle near the nozzle and flame away! It leaves no residue except for the gas smell that you get from cooking! Wala! Fried ants!!! Hope your cats like them cooked

  4. First things first. Find out what they came in for. Look around and try to find crumbs or see if they are heading for your kitchen and clean or block off their intended food source. You should also try to find out where they came from, on the inside and if necessary on the outside of your house, then use sealer to permanently block off their entrance. As long as you can keep any pets or small children away from the area for a little while, get your local best brand ant killer, spray it in and outside, and make sure to open up the windows so it can air out. As long as the holes are sealed off, the ones inside are dead, and there are no crumbs enticing them back in, your infestation should be gone,

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