
I woke up to all sorts of VNs and Reported notices for the stuff posted in Argentia. How did the reporters...?

by  |  earlier

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find us here, and what can I do to prevent that?




  1. I had someone connect to me over the weekend and got two VN's this morning. I won't say the user's name but that person did not answer any of my questions ever.  They are now on my blocked list.

  2. Try wearing a dark scarf over your head, and a funny pair of glasses (funnier than the ones you have on now), and a mustache.

    Maybe if you disguise yourself, no one will notice you hanging around here.

  3. the trolls are everywhere and they never sleep.  I think they even sell them as software in new computers.

  4. I also had one get reported.  That makes me want to deluge the other sections of answers with a bunch of foul language...but I probably won't.

  5. Dang it, I thought we were all going to die fat, happy, naked and tanned here.  I'm sad now.  Do you have any pie?

  6. I tried to warn you guys about an invasion from Uruguay...

    The d**n trolls also deleted my hillarious question about removing Charlton Heston's gun from his cold, dead hands.


  7. I'm sad, because I got into my best drag outfit yesterday while my wife and daughter were away just to answer your question. I went to all that trouble to make myself beautiful and Yahoo deletes your heartfelt and most fascinating query. d**n. I hate that. Last time I wear my chiffon party dress and matching ankle-straps for you Geek.

  8. Let's wait until the cover of darkness and we will all come out (wearing black ski masks and black jumpsuits) and ask our Gualguachiquita banana questions then ...


  9. Happened in Phuket a lot too--there ARE no hiding places.

  10. i guess they've gone global

  11. Really?  I'm actually kinda surprised.

    Im with Dingel, only pie could make me feel better.

  12. Hahaha I got suspended again.  Do you think they have a real hard-on for me?

    36 accounts.....lalalalla

    I missed the Argentina thingy

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