
I woke up twice seeing a mysterious woman by my bed....?

by  |  earlier

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When I was 10 or 11, I woke up in the middle of the night and saw this glowing, undetailed shape of a woman standing right next to my bed. I was half asleep and reached over to touch her because I thought it was my sister. I couldn't feel anything but it was still there. I said "Anna(my sis's name).....Anna...whata are you doing in here..."and she wouldn't reply and I realized that the woman wasn't my sister at all, and she probably wasn't even a human. I hid under my blankets the whole rest of the night. Now I'm 13, and recently, I was sleeping at a friend's house and I woke up in the middle of the night in their room. I was again kinda half asleep, but I saw a woman standing right next to the bed, tucking me in.... I noticed that there was more detail on her face. I looked at her face, and she must have known that, because when I dad, she ran off realy quickly and pretty much dissapeared. It wasn't my friends mom, because the whole night, the door was locked. It wasnt my friend.




  1. something paranormal is going on, go to have you told anyone else about this and what happened.

  2. Having been a Paranormal Examiner for 28 years, I've heard a lot stories just like this.

    If you feel this is truly a real Experience, you may wish to have a Digital recorder close to you at night (most of the new cell phones have a "record" feature).  That way, you can Document your Experience while it's still "fresh" in your mind.  On that note, if you have a camera phone, you could attempt to snap a pic of the "shape", which would go a long way toward documenting your Experience.

    If you are unsettled about experiencing this Activity, then by all means share your concerns with your Parents, a Close Friend....but someone.  Perhaps they would be willing to help you in Documenting and explaining this Experience.  Furthermore, they may wish to consult with a paranormal Group in your area if the Activity intensifies or becomes more unsettling.  

    Good Luck, and I hope you get your Answer.

  3. I have had this occurrence happen to me also- in childhood as well as adulthood. It is always while I am asleep and suddenly I just wake up and find a woman standing next to me. I thought it was my guardian angel or maybe one of my grandmothers, but I am still not sure. But it has happened in many different houses, and when it happens I feel a little scared. I feel like there is a reason for the visits, but the figure is motionless. And I cannot get a real good look at the face and I cannot say or do anything- although I feel like screaming or running away.

  4. I'd get your matress excorsised it sounds haunted .

  5. Nothing paranormal here. sometimes we are not fully awake and still dreaming. Illusions are not uncommon when just waking.

  6. One thing for sure was that it was not a ghost or a similar paranormal being. If the woman manifested only in one place, then was a ghost. But for a paranormal being manifesting in two different places (although it always seem to prefer the time when you are sleeping), it is somewhat strange. The only possible explanation is a guardian being who watches over you. Perhaps it was your guardian angel trying to tell you something.

  7. It's sounds like she's watching over you, who ever she is. It may be a family member who has passed on. She doesn't seem to want to harm you so don't be afraid. Ask you father if there is anyone who's passed who might watch over and check on you occasionally. Once you know who it is, I believe you'll feel better.

  8. Some people would say it's "sleep paralysis" (You can google it  for more information.) Some would say it's your spirits guide or guardian angel . I would be more inclined to think it's a member of your family who died..maybe a grandmother or great grandmother. Guess there's no way to know for sure. I'm glad it wasn't a scary spirit.  I don't know why they usually disappear right after you see them. Maybe they don't want to scare you.

  9. I also think this was someone watching over you, whether a spirit guide or a relative who has passed.

    The time between sleep and waking is known for being a time when we are more perceptive.

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