
I woke up with swollen eyes and I have to go to school in an hour please help!?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday night I had a big arugement with my mom and sister. So then when I tried sleeping I couldn't I was crying for like three hours. Then I went to sleep for three hours >.>

I start school in an hour and I don't want to look like this! I am putting ice right now but how long would they take be unswollen?




  1. how about take the day off and take it easy. no point going to school on like 3 hours sleep, seriously.

  2. take a day off

    and take some add vil cause it has ibuprofen and that takes the swelling away but only after a while  

  3. man I had that happen freshman year in highschool, a long time ago. Anyway yes, get something cold a cold cloth and keep it on your eyes. Mine looked like Id been stung by bees on both eyes. If you have some visine or clear eyes use it!

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