
I woke up yesterday and my ear hurt really bad. What's wrong?

by  |  earlier

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I put my finger in it and wiggled it around. It hurt really bad but it didn't feel like an ear infection. Nothing's coming out of it and I'm not sick. It still hurts pretty bad. At times, it feels like my ear's clogging and like I'm getting an ear infection. What is this? Should I go to the doctors?




  1. yes start of an infection possible

  2. yeah just go to the doctors and get it checked out

  3. Go to the doctor right away because you may have a infection and would need to get some medication to help with the pain and to clear it.

  4. yup that sounds like an ear infection. I had one last year. the pain shot down even into my jaw, yes see a doctor ASAP. =)

  5. You probably do have the start of an ear infection.  If it is still bothering you in a day or so, I'd go to the doc and have it looked at.  You could just have some fluid in your ear that doesn't want to drain... my guess is an infection, though.

  6. This is pretty common and happens to me alot. either you slept on your ear and its sore or its the early stages of ear infection. if it last more than 3 day i suggest see a doctor. hope u get better

  7. i think you might have slept on your ear funny and thats why it hurts

    leave it till tomorrow or the next day if its not getting better get it checked out

  8. it sounds like you have an ear ach. if it keeps on hurting i would go ask the doctor

  9. yes go to the drs. it could be swimmers ear

  10. A bug crawled inton it in the middle of the night!!!! It happens!!!

  11. i would.. it might be an infection

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