
I won't be popular anymore, what should I do?

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I have been a social reject all my life. Then I found this book, "How to be popular", read it, followed it advice, got new clothes and new attitude and became kind of popular. It was really nice. Then there was to be a rager party at at the quarry, but it had been raining. And all the A-list crown came to me and asked me to use an observatory - my grandfather build it for Kitty, she is the love of his life, and it's going to be her wedding present. So, they asked me to open the door to them, because it was spacious inside, and they would party in there. But then I heard that there was one at this kid’s house last year, on account of the kid’s parents being in Aruba, and they caused ten thousand dollars’ worth of damage. Someone lit the living room carpet on fire. With lighter fluid. They wrote their name in flames. And the observatory is full of sensitive equipment, and I know that they will damage it all. But if I do not let them in, I will stop being popular, and will become a reject again, and everyone will laugh at me again, and call me names. What should I do?




  1. **** those guys

  2. Are you serious? "They caused ten thousand dollars’ worth of damage. Someone lit the living room carpet on fire. With lighter fluid. They wrote their name in flames. And the observatory is full of sensitive equipment, and I know that they will damage it all." If your grandfather did it for the love of his life, and if these popular people can and have done that much damage, why ask? For goodness sake, these people only like you because of your clothes. They aren't you're friends. It's important to have good friends, especially at your age. These people ignored you until you changed your wardrobe. Make real friends.

  3. There will be massive, irreparable damage if you let this happen, but you won't.

    People will reject you, and laugh at you, and call you names, and you won't be popular anymore.

    However, this is, shockingly, not the end of the world. People that only like you because you bought some new clothes and who will not like you if you don't personally sacrifice so they can get drunk and feel up on each other are not the sorts of people over whom you should worry.

    There actually are people in the world who care about a little bit more than things like these. When you do find such people, you will discover that their friendships are much more meaningful than those of other people.

    Good luck.

  4. Sorry to break it to you doode, but they were just using you. If all of a sudden you become sort of popular and then they ask you for something, then they're using you. They couldn't care less about what happens to you. Blood is thicker. Doode, don't fall for it, because after they trash your observatory, then you'll be unpopular again anyhow.  

  5. o yea, just go ahead and get the place trashed. i'm sure your grandad will just be very happy your friends had a good time, never mind the love of his life!!

  6. Just say that you're parents are super sensitive about it and you BEGGED them to use it, but they said no. And if that fails, blood is thicker than water. You will move on after high school and it wont matter, but you will know your grandfather and kitty for the rest of their lives. Do you really think being popular is that important

  7. wtf r u some celeberty to say a-list and vip ur weird im sorry  

  8. I was better at knowing the answers when you stuck with classics :/

  9. This is the storyline, plot, and most of the details to the book, "How to be Popular." I'm guessing you are just joking.

  10. Your posts are getting extremely old. They aren't even questions. Why would anyone make up stories to ask people on a books and authors answer forum?? There is at least one of these a day with unbelievable questions. What's the point?

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