
I won $50 with a lotto ticket, what should i spend it on?

by  |  earlier

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Please no boring stuff, i want something fun to do please!




  1. Spend half on it for anything weird on ebay

    and donate the other half as shared luck is

    doubled luck.

    Oh by the way...

    Can anyone borrow me 50 dollars ???  :)

  2. Go to the race track and try to parlay your winnings!

    Or how about a massage?

  3. $50 isn't much so I would take $5 and get more lottery tickets for a bigger prize. Then put $20 in the bank. Now you have $25 of guilt free money to spend on getting your nails done, buying a new accessory or treating yourself to a nice meal.

  4. more lotto tickets

  5. spen it on me!

  6. Give it to me ---- thats the best choice,,

    if u want to , plz mail me --!

    If u do it,, thnx a lot!

  7. Go splurge on shoes!


  8. $50  dollars worth of scratch tickets

  9. OMG you need help with this. Get your hair done, get a manicure or pedicure. Buy yourself an outfit. Even better buy your mother, father or siblings something.

  10. Video games,more lotto tickets,stuff you want,or just put it in the bank and save it.

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