
I won a bridal gift - is this a scam?

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I received a call today saying that I won a 2 night, 3 day vacation at an all-inclusive resort in the bahamas, mexico, or somewhere else. They said I entered the contest through a bridal shop. I did enter into a drawing at the David's Bridal website, but they couldn't confirm where I had entered. There's a catch though. I have to go to a 1 hour presentation this Saturday to get my prize. They said they want us to check out their products and give them our opinions. There is no commitment to buy anythin. It looks like they do bridal registries. They sell household items, mostly for the kitchen. Their website is

Has anyone ever heard of them or done this? Thanks.




  1. Its a scam. You may get a vacation out of them but even if it isn't a "timeshare" they will be trying to sell you something. I wouldn't bother.

  2. It sounds a lot like "Southern Bridal Registry." They started called me a while ago and left 2 messages on my voicemail saying that I registered with them and that I have been selected to receive a trip and some goblets (or something). I thought that was kind of weird because I've won a few things from various bridal fairs and they always say "Congratulations! You WON (whatever) from our drawing!", they don't say you've been "selected". Plus I've never heard of this Southern Bridal Registry and do not remember registering with them. So when I got to work the next day, I googled them and the first several links that pop up are from and Apparently they make it sound like you won something, but you have to go to a demonstration for very expensive cookware with your fiance in tow to get it. I haven't called them back, but I think I might call them to tell them to stop calling me because they called me 3 more times yesterday. I've heard that some people have gone and not bought anything and got the free trip, but a lot of people have been ripped off by them.  I'm pretty sure that David's Bridal is the one selling names and phone numbers to them.

  3. Two coworkers won a trip from some company advertizing at a bridal fair, and went on the trip. Both report it was fine, the accommodations were all right. Another reports that they were literally held prisoner while there to hear the promotional speech by the company. Another said she was in the worst hotel ever.

    And there was a article on one of those tv news programs that actually went and saw the hotel, and talked to the company involved. Does the word s***k have meaning for you?

    So, I have never heard of this company, and really, if they have to give away trips to get you to buy something, it sends up red flags and I hear sirens on that one.

    Evidently, there are companies that are good on their word, and give you a decent vacation, and some who are not. Beware, and check the company out first.

  4. It's like a timeshare presentation. They're going to try to sell you stuff...and they may get pushy about it. But you'll get a voucher for a trip.

    I have never been on one, but I have heard the trips are c**p. Bad hotels, bad flight schedules.

  5. Yeah... I got this too. You go to the one hour thing, they try to sell you their products (kinda over the top/cheesy). Then at the end they'll give you the voucher, or if you buy a certain amount of their product, they'll upgrade your vacation voucher to 6 days versus 3 days (or something like that). We went... it was "cheesy" (for lack of a better term). We got the voucher, and the place seems, umm... not very "high class" (and I'm being nice), so we're not even going! We aren't willing to spend the money on air fare to get there. Oh, and it's not "all inclusive" for free. You have to pay a certain amount to get it all inclusive- and it's not cheap.

    I personally wouldn't recommend wasting your time to go. It's honestly not worth it!

    Good luck! :)

  6. Let me guess, you signed up for David's Bridal to be able to save your favorites or something... oh hey.. look at there, forgive me for not reading your letter.. but I knew what had happened just by the headline.

    Mostly DAVIDS BRIDAL website is HORRIBLE and will not only SEND you spam "you won" emails, but guess what!? "You have been selected" and will be called 3-12 times a day.

    You have to seriously SEARCH for a number to call and tell them to stop calling. After 2 tries and talking to REAL people (Thank you God) The emails and the phone calls stopped.

    And after reading your email I had something like this at another time... turned out only 2 of us showed up and had to be active in the meeting. blah. then I won like a free coke and he won a trip to the bahamas. We filled out our paperwork and such and then were to leave. I sat in the lobby suspicious.. he left, sure, 30 minutes later, talking to them and laughing all the way to the elevators with them. he was in on it with them... and even though neither of us "bought" anything... the only winner was the company hoping to sell.  

  7. The first two posters are probably right.  For what it's worth, I won something from David's Bridal (beauty products), too.  It was sort of fishy, and when I called David's Bridal to ask about it, they couldn't verify it either.  But in the end, it was legit, albeit sketchy.  I wish I won a trip instead!  Good luck!

  8. I don't think it's a scam, but they'll send you to the cheapest hotel with horrible flights.

    I went to the 1-hour presentation, because I got the same thing. They were trying to sell cookware (that was more than my car at the time was worth!). But they did demonstrate and cook so we got a free meal out of it. Haha, they make a very good presentations, and pressured some of the other couples that were there into buying stuff.  We didn't buy anything, but ended up not going on the trip once we found out what the hotels were.

    Don't waste your time.  

  9. If they said you won then I think you are entitled to the trip.  If it just requires sitting through an hour presentation than I'd say it's worth it.  They have lots of stuff like that when I vacationed in Jamaica in June.  If you went to an hour meeting where they try to sell you time shares then you get a 30 minute free couples massage.  It just depends on how patient you are I guess.

    Just make sure you don't have to PAY A SINGLE CENT for your trip.  If you have to pay for something, than that sounds fishy.


  10. Sure it's a scam.

    Other brides really just have to beware about entering contests and draws - companies sell their mailing lists to other companies, and get lots of money for doing so. Yes, even reputable companies do this.

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