
I won a song recording studiosession,a dream! i luv singin but cant bring myself2sing in front of any1,plz elp

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this is win is a dream *** true 4 me, i need to do this for myself to prove to myself i can, to do it without feeling sick an passing out with nerves would give me the boost i have needed for so so long,if i can overcome this not only would it give me the confidence to do kareoki ( LOL ) but also the enocouragement and courage to better myself further for me and my family,thanks for reading.




  1. Hi Babe69! I am 72 years old and have been singing over 50 years.Yes I used to get really nervous whenever I sang like on a first night,or in front of somewhere strange.I used to overcome the problem in two ways.Firstly I'd record whatever I was going to sing.In my days it was the old"Boom Box" tape recorder. you have I-pods these days.I'd play the recording out loud, overt and over,getting used to the sound of me.Generally if you sing in a studio,there isn't anyone in front of you.But if you have an audience,pick a spot over their heads,and sing to that spot. That way you don't see them, and it doesn't put you off.remember if you have a voice-use it. Good Luck!

  2. i play guitar but wouldn't to an audience,

    its like s*x once you do it, you don't wanna stop

    like pringles, once you pop you cant stop

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