
I wonder..has McCain ever answer questions from the public. Or is he dodging public questions?

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I could be wrong..but curious




  1. Are you kidding? McCain openly answers questions he is asked. Obama is the sidestepping champion. McCain has invited Obama to participate in public forums and debates, but Obama has turned down the invites unless there are strict rules protecting his delicate uncommited stands. Try it without a teleprompter Quick Change Obama.  

  2. Dodging.

  3. I haven't seen the same public scrutiny of Cindys drug use and theft.

    I haven't seen the same relentless scrutiny of his past admitted extramarital affairs.

    No one seems to have questions about that, instead we get a two year old affair served up on a plate with Murdochs name on it when the guy isn't even running for office, or in office anymore.

    In a town hall arena, the only people asked to come are Republican supporters, hes not going to get hard questions, or question that he doesn't want to answer.

  4. questions..

  5. i believe mccain has several town hall meetings that provide an open forum for all questions. not sure what you mean beyond that.

  6. The Republican Committee has McCain on a very tight leash - he isn't allowed to say anything that hasn't been approved beforehand.

  7. Yes, he does answer questions.

  8. Answering.

  9. I believe you have your candidates confused.  John McCain not only answers questions, he routinely speaks with groups that are not necessarily friendly with his point of view.  If you remember, McCain is the one who has called for Town Hall meetings with BHO.  It is Obama who is reluctant to answer any but scripted, pre-approved questions in front of a tele-prompter.

  10. He answers questions.


    The Democratic party has Obama on puppet strings. He is told exactly what to say via teleprompter. h**l, a 10 year old kid could do that!!!!

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