
I wonder how may, if any of the yahoo employees have a college education?

by  |  earlier

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not a hands on job training "degree" but an actual college degree in computers and computer technology and science. does anyone know, or is this too considered a top secret yahooie mystery?




  1. Are you kidding? The founders went to elite schools and value what goes on at places like Caltech!! The top jobs at all the hot tech companies are only given to top school grads.

  2. Like any large company, Yahoo! surely has many employees with many different types of jobs. Obviously people with jobs like programming, tech support, or any type of technical job almost certainly have a degree. The people with jobs like security guards, janitorial staff, groundskeepers, etc might not.

    Try to find job listings for Yahoo! and see if they list requirements for applicants. This will probably give you a good idea if they require a degree, job experience, or both.

  3. Not EVERY Yahoo employee has a comp science degree or anything related. It depends on their job position.

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