
I wonder how much extra was spent to have Obama pontificate at Mile High Stadium?

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How much extra was spent for security, rental of the stadium, etc. Is this an indication of how Obama is going to cut spending?




  1. Republicans are just jealous because this man can attract a crowd while McCain is forced to hole town meetings because he can't fill an outhouse.  

  2. It's worth if you got 32,000,000 people watching.

  3. A boat load and a waste of time.

  4. combined between the two of them 50 million dollars, both conventions take obscene amounts to put together  

  5. Please it's a drop in the bucket compared to what we spend on useless wars.  

  6. Don't know but I thought anytime Ceasar was going to come out from behind those columns!  What a waste of time!

  7. Good point--who knows? I'd hate to be an Obama supporter who paid money for that. What a waste to see the ascent of the Obama-deity.

    It was all too much and no doubt cost millions.

  8. It was a great speech, wasn't it?  And surely it cost a lot less than trying to get the message across with TV ads.

  9. and all that extra cost for the Roman Cathedral.  LOL.  And people take offense to him being portrayed as an enterainer.  How could anyone deny it after that ridiculous spectacle at the DNC?  

  10. Whatever he spent his raised the money.  McCain, on the other hand haven't been able to raise half as much but it wouldn't matter, Johnny McCain couldn't get  eight thousand to see him accept the republican nomination let alone eighty four thousand.  Hater!

  11. I think it's a better example of Obama's commitment to working class Americans. Allowing more than just the "regular crowd" attend the acceptance speech for free.  

  12. At least it was money he raised himself, without taking any public matching funds like McCain. And how is it different from the millions McCain has spent on TV advertising? At least the people at Mile High got a real life experience and contributed considerable volunteer time during the show. He got a lot of bang for the buck.

  13. No amount was too much for the investment in our future and the futures of our children.

  14. No but it is a indication of how he will spend your hard earned money. He's going to take you money and support all of his so called people living on welfare. How about that. The harder we work the more money they get. Well you can't fool this girl. I'm on to Obama. And I'm not buying what he's selling. Democrat for John McCain 2008.

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