
I wonder if Michael Phelps could compete in track relay against Tyson g*y?

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Tyson g*y who is considered to be the fastest man in America, I wonder if Michael Phelps--who is pretty fast himself-- could compete in track against Tyson g*y.

On the other hand, I wonder if Tyson g*y could compete in the pool with Michael Phelps?

I think that would be interesting to see.




  1. Well think.... Phelps is a swimmer g*y is a runner. So I would think Phelps would beats g*y in swimming but in running g*y would beat Phelps.

  2. They are completely different sports.. there is no way either would even come close to competing against the other. It would be interesting to see.. but no one would expect much from either in a different sport other than thier own.  

  3. haha swimming and running are pretty different!!

  4. haha I would watch that. obviously they would both win their respected events becuase they are like super human in both of their own events. I have actually read in some magazine that phelps doesn't run

    because he is very clumsy and would trip alot... but hey that'd be very entertaining.... they should mix it up with other Olympic athletes like have kobe fence or may/ walsh do syncro diving ;]

  5. Well, nothing woul happen. Phelps would run slow as h**l and tyson g*y would probably swim like me.  

  6. well...since swimming is alot more technique it would be closer in the running...probably

  7. EJ,

    I'm afraid neither of these would be very interesting. They'd both be out of their elements when racing the other in theirs.

    That's exactly why they chose the sports they're in. It suits their needs and strengths.

    Both would be like 'fish out of water'!


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