
I wonder! if all people prayed and fasted sincerely, Would all people find Jesus?

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or does it take a fanatical pledge?

or does it take complete allegience and a drop of faith

maybe fanatical pledge is the wrong answer.

steadfast pledge, unwavering determination, being complete resolute!

or is it merciful NOT to visit someone when a pure covenant is given because it is not EASY to receive discipleship of the lord.




  1. I believe that all who truly seek w/an open mind and heart will find Christ.  I also believe that the Holy Spirit is the only One who can convict the heart.  None of us can.

  2. Finding Jesus is as easy as it is to open up the Holy Bible. It is accepting who was and still is. The SON of GOD.

    It is through prayer to him and GOD do yoiu you or anyone build a loving fellowship between you and him!

  3. No matter how much we want to see someone make the right choice, God will not interfere with anyone's free will.

    You cannot make anyone do anything they in their heart does not want to do. The best thing is to do your best to be a light for them, show them why Jesus is your Lord and Savior and then respect them enough to decide on there own.

    If they reject Christ, then respect that decision. You can love them, and still pray still bless them when possible, but don't feel sad, angry or even upset with their choice.

    God doesn't so neither should we.    

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