
I wonder if the Gov can access the list of registered users of medicinal marijuana?

by Guest64105  |  earlier

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I'd like to get a prescription but I'm fearful that the gov would get involved and get the list. I work for the government and I'm a licensed professional. Why someone like me would have to be paranoid speaks to how effed up the whole society is.




  1. I am sure they would have access to that list. Just makes sense.

  2. yes, they would know. i would still do it though if you can't find any other/better medication

  3. Of course they can. They have access to any document that exists.  

  4. The cops have access, the government is going to.  

  5. cop and government can access it im sure...tryin to get one too.

    oh yeah and Ef the system!

  6. Haha, there is not just some list of every patient.

    Plus, the gov would not target the smallest fish in the pond. They go after the medical clubs and medical grow rooms. Those are the big players that supply to the people. They dont care so much about some guy getting high on his couch, when there is pounds of medicine being sold in the city.

    THe whole system is messed up. Speaking that weed is still illegal.





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