
I wonder.........?

by  |  earlier

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what does it mean if sometimes i believ in god, and other times i don't. i go through very crazy extremes.

i've tred church and i've found it's a bunch of hypocritical BS. i know i'm a hypocrite, but they pretend they aren't. it bugs.

so yeah, i'm not really sure i know what i'm asking, but you might.




  1. It means you're normal!

  2. I think everyone "wants" to believe.  It's the confinement of individual religion that makes one question.  If God is present, how can there be one religion better than the other?  If God is present, how come there's pain and suffering?  Every person has their own perception.  Pomp and circumstance, rituals, etc...all part of the "faith" that makes me edgy.  Any church that allows me to clean their pews and toilets, but doesn't allow me to have a "vote" because I am a woman...any church that would not marry my friends who were members since birth...because they openly stated they did not want children, a church that doesn't allow's all perception and all you can do is try to interpret it on your own.  My dad thinks religion is purely something man conjured up so every one stays in the first "police force."  Me I just want to believe, and therefore; I do.  I believe it should be the religion of "kindness."   Sometimes faith in God is the only thing a person has left in life, which makes them believe all the more when there life comes from the under belly and turns around positive.  How often have your prayed for something and been ticked off when you figure God didn't come through?  How often have you prayed for something and God has delivered?  That's where the questioning comes in.  Ah...but God works in mysterious careful what you pray for.

  3. yeah i think i know what you mean. i was raised in church to believe in god but sometimes i would doubt his existence. i just decided to live my life as best as i can. i do believe god exists but you will have to deside if you feel that spiritual awaking and notice him.

  4. Ones spirituality should not depend upon the rituals of organized religion.  Is there something out there?  Could be.  Very human to wonder.

  5. Perhaps God is Consciousness' And the Unconscious mind represents the soul.

    as defined by:

    (6.      the unconscious, Psychoanalysis. the part of the mind containing psychic material that is only rarely accessible to awareness but that has a pronounced influence on behavior)

    (7. consciousness, Philosophy. the mind or the mental faculties as characterized by thought, feelings, and volition.)

    Therefore becoming more consciously aware you are achieving higher alignment with God and beginning to understand your unconscious mind (via better understanding of dreams for example) allows one insight into the Soul.

    Ps. Even a flower knows to reach towards the sun.

  6. I'm absolutely sure, this question is going into voting.

    I'm not afraid of making a choice and face the consequences....Try it out. Your life will change, only for the better.


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  8. u r curious about things and question things that many simply accept as facts. thats a good thing!
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