
I wonder what the next thing we will learn that was faked at the

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Bejiing Olympics. First the fireworks now this little girl...Westernisation has taken hold already of China it would seem. Shame!




  1. Those in authority have been pulling the wool over people's eyes since day one, regardless of where you live.

  2. and now we hear that   people  have been dragged in off the streets to fill all the empty seats. i'm surprised they didnt get cardboard cut outs with recorded crowd noises, or perhaps they already have.

  3. it was a show - what isnt fake in the world of entertainment?

    i thought it was great

  4. The opening ceremony was a spectacular show.  What is wrong with using technology to enhance the show?  

    The use of "a good looking girl" in a show is not something that is just done in China.  Other countries have made sure that the people shown at the ceremonies are of the proper image that they want to portray.

    What is wrong with giving away tickets to make sure the seats are full?  Doesn't every professional sports team in the US do the same thing?  

    Perhaps people are trying to hard to find fault with the Chinese instead of enjoying the Olympics.

    EDIT:  It isn't always just a few tickets to supporters.  A few years ago the Indy 500 was rained out twice.  Most of the spectators with tickets left the area.  They were letting in people for free to make sure the stands were filled.  Simple publicity.

  5. If you get a chance to have a second look at Lang Lang and the little girl "playing the piano" during the opening ceremony,  you will clearly see that the little girl is not playing the piano at all.

    Despite all the trickery, it was a fantastic show and I enjoyed every minute  of it.  

  6. In the grand scheme of things I don't think it's that big of a deal.  A show is a show and the Chinese wanted it to look good, which it did.  It was their show to put on and they shouldn't be criticized too harshly for doing it the way they saw fit.  In light of the devastating earthquake they had several months ago I think they did a very good job with the opening ceremonies.  

  7. who cares? they wanted it to look good. plenty of singers lip sync during shows.

  8. The Chinese woman weightlifter who won a gold medal is a bloke.

    If it was´nt a package tuck,then the poor bird must of logged herself lifting that much weight.

  9. You are, of course, aware that the Chinese are drafting large numbers of schoolkids and "volunteers" into the less popular events in order to make the crowds look bigger?

    Hardly seems fair to those who had to pay for a ticket does it?

    Boycott these Olympics.


    BBC News tonight: Not only are they shipping in crowds, they are actually giving them classes in how to cheer, clap, smile and generally look as if they are really enthusiatss for whatever sport it is they are drafted in to watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A few tickets given away by a sporting team to its established supporters, like a few tickets given away by concert organisers for a pop concert, is at an entirely different (and genuinely commercial) level, than this obfuscation.

  10. The Chinese are making sure they win the most medals.

  11. Yeah it's not surprising is it? It's indicative of the Chinese governments ego and a very poor reflection of their state of mind.

    Their true colours show with those small deceits don't they?

  12. that's not really nice to say.  

  13. I don't care what the real child singer looked like she should have been there.

    It is obvious that the Chinese have different values to Westerners. They had enough time to make the child singer look every bit as cute as the child who mimed.

    For all those girls out there who aren't cute looking this is a terrible blow. It tells a story of fakery, playing up to perceived public expectation and its a d**n shame that both girls have been dragged into this very adult act of deception.

    I hope we see the child singer singing this song one day soon. No matter what she looks like she has the voice of an angel.

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