
I wonder...what worries women most on their first time?

by  |  earlier

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-that it's gonna hurt..

-that she can get pregnant..

-that the guy will tell..

-that the guy loves another girl..

-that she wont make him happy..




  1. For  me, I worry:

    -That I'll get pregnant

    -That I'm not ready

    The other stuff isn't an issue because I wouldn't do it with someone I didn't trust.

  2. pervert!

  3. I am pretty sure it depends from person to person.

    Personally, I am really afraid of pain - so I might choose the first one.

    But my self esteem is very low, and my body image is not good, so I'd be very nervous about that as well.

  4. I was worried my mom was gonna catch me,

  5. I wasn't worried, although I guess if anything itwould be getting pregnant.

    I was 15 and in love with my now husband. It was romantic and I was very aroused so I just couldn't wait.

  6. I didn't want to do anything until I was really sure; not because it was expected of me as a woman. Because I needed it to be something more than what I saw my sister go through.

    I waited, I have been with the same man for 3 years and I couldn't be happier. My personal experience will of course differ with some. But everyone has their own path to find.

    The main thing I was worried about (I know this is stupid now) but my body.

  7. That she is losing her virginity to the right man.

  8. I can't remember feeling all that worried personally.

    I love the way Voice of Reality chimes in when he clearly has no idea what it's like to be a young woman. What he came up with couldn't have been further from my mind.

    Axn - have you finally figured out that no-one is bothering to read your answers because they all say the same thing? Plagiarising is really sad though.

  9. should I fake or not?

  10. That the kids we were supposed to be babysitting would walk in?  It was a very worrying situation all round really :-)

  11. all of the above

  12. Probably if he's going to respect her afterwards.  

    Also, it's like a new car.  As soon as it's driven off the lot it loses at least a quarter if it's value.  This is why women do everything they can to not look easy.  Keeps their value in the dating market higher.

    Which would go along with number 3:  That the guy will tell and what others will think about her.

  13. Thats was all the fuss was about?

  14. Since I'm still a virgin, the following worry me:

    -If I'm doing it with the ONE (in this case my husband)

    -if I bleed (my culture is exemplary of one of these things, it's why I cannot wear tampons)

    -if I can please him or not.

    I know it sounds trivial but it is important to me.

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