
I wonder why do most of yahoo users do carelessly with their 360 Blogs. it is a valuable tool .is it not?

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dear pepper

i prepared an e-mail to guide you on how to creat your yahoo 360 page ,but yahoo said that my message was too long to be sent.

i will see to other possibilities to direct you there

to make a 360 page is easy

just type in your address bar


there you will be prompted to enter your ID and password(Which you already have) and follow the instructions

it is easy and nothing confusing with would take 1-3 minutes

every one here is ready to help doing it. just let us know.




  1. I am having too many blog or spaces for composition in the Internet.  my space, face book, live msn space, yahoo is one of the composition blog.  Some are diary.  I do not get too much time for the writing, currently busy in my on-line business retail, the new product learning and study, the administration paper to read.  There are also some talk and chat-room you can express and communicate in different communities.

  2. your name in arabic is actually "daruish" or "dervish" not dariush


    sorry i thought he was one of those typical losers who put a picture of a guy with a turban on their display and submit offensive posts just to spite muslims.... (i.e. ******* camels and such) there's been a lot of them floating around


  3. I have not set mine up yet because I 'm new to all this blogging

    Do you have  any advice on how or what to do or info to put or not put in a blog on Y!A

  4. To Zaf: Darius the Great  was the son of Hystaspes and Persian Emperor from 521 BC to 485/486 BC. His name in Modern Persian is  (Dariush)

    To Dariush: I so agree with you I sometimes feel pity for those that simply let pointless and lame stuff in their blogs. I think it can be used as a part to share what you like with others but not all what you like is liked by others too so it has to be something publicly liked. It so annoys me when I see they waste a 360 blog on writing the lyrics of their favorite song or just putting up a picture of their favorite singer and asking for peoples opinions and unfortunately I have seen many obscene blogs too which simply makes me sorry which proves nothing but their desperateness

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