
I wont to be a Pilot in the Military

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Ok what should I fly I need some suggestions.

I'm 6' 2" Tall I weight about 180 but that can change and I wear glasses.

So what are some suggestions.




  1. You need to go to college first, and I think that might be a stumbling block for you.  

  2. 1st learn to spell. 2nd get good grades...pilots come from the best ppl out there you have to have some ability to get into it call and ask a recruitor and they will be more than happy to tell you and f.y.i. do you know that the navy has more airplanes than the airforce?

  3. Well if you meet all the requirement of become a pilot, military will pay you for lasik surgery to correct your eyesight. But before get into that, get your grade up and try to get to academy.

  4. better be a very good student

    very competitive

  5. you don't get to choose what platform you get.  first you need to qualify  to be an officer, THEN you need to qualify for Aviation.  and then they tell YOU what you will be flying.  about half of everyone who applies to Aviation make the cut..andof that number.about half actually finsih and become Aviators.  

  6. Army has warrant positions for helicopter pilots that don't require a degree. You have do do very well on the testing, have a clean background and good health.  It is possible to do it coming straight into the Army but most will come from with the Army.

  7. first answerer is correct; you will need a college degree.  on top of that you do not meet the physical qualifications for pilot.  sorry bud, you're too dam big.  fighter jet cockpits are pretty cramped as it is.  maybe think about choppers.

  8. Try the academies first.

    You can do the college and then OCS. But, is actually a harder route and it takes a little longer.

    Your height is going to be a problem, but not insurmountable, if you want to fly fighters. They are rally cramped.

    One of my buddies drove fighter jets and was 6’4’’. His helmet touched the canopy.

    BTW – I’ve known a lot of fighter pilots and never met one that wore glasses. Don’t know much about other types of aircraft.

  9. you didnt specify if you wanted fixed or rotor wing. i believe you are too tall to be fixed. i would look into helicopters.

    there is a program in the Army called the WOC and WOFT program. you can do street to seat. you do not need a college education, however, this will hinder you in the long run for promotions.

    the WOC (warrant officer candidate) will teach you what you need to know to become a warrant officer in the Army. it is sort of a grey area that falls in between enlisted and officer. basically if you have a degree you go officer. however, a lot of people including my husband who has a degree, choose warrant because this will allow them to fly longer. if you are an officer you will get grounded and a ip job faster and lose your flying credentials.

    after you graduate from WOC (six week program) you will enter the WOFT program (warrant officer flight training). here you will go to schools to become a helicopter pilot.

    all this training takes place at Fort Rucker in AL. together the schooling is about two to three years long. afterwards you will be assigned to your first duty station.

    there are a lot of helicopters out there:






    just to name a few. you can be stationed all over the world for this.

    you dont need perfect eye sight for this and can wear your glasses.

    hope this helps

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