
I work 3 years as a night time manager a burger king does that qualify me to be VP?

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Republican voting for Obama/Biden 08.

Don't blame me Blame that lame McCain for changing the game and putting Republicans to shame.

Hey that rhyms lol




  1. it qualifies you for mccain, but not for obama

  2. No but it does qualify you to be the democratic presidential candidate

  3. Well you do have more management experience than either Biden or Obama.

    I'll go with someone who has actually run a political entity.

  4. Cant stand Obama or McCain now so I'm not voting for president on my ballot. McCain let the people down!

  5. She looked over 700,000 people with a 85% approval rating.  Now, how many has Obama? Oh that's right....

    What is more qualified to you? Much rather her than someone with 8% approval in congress.  Don't be bitter, this decision has helped the campaign tons.

  6. Yes, VP of the lame attack dogs of the democrat party!

  7. you have more management skill than  Obama Biden, you can be the VP at burger king.  

  8. Well yes it does.  You have management experience over people that are constantly flipping things and a salting the wrong things.

  9. Yes, according to McSenile's logic. His choice for his VP nominee is simply beyond belief, unless you think that he was utterly pandering to the far right. Palin is out there with the anti-abortion, guns, and any war is a good war crowd.

  10. You need a few more things:

    1.  You have to be the right age.

    2.  You have to have a mate, like Palin's husband, who is in a union and work for one of the biggest oil companies in the countries.  Todd Palin worked for British Petroleum but he took a leave of absence so there wouldn't be a "conflict of interest" while his wife is running for the VP position.  I guess it would be hard to sell Americans that his wife will work to lower gas prices when he and his company are constantly raising prices, huh?

    Now if you got those two things, then yes, you can run as a Republican VP.  After all, Palin is ex beauty queen and an ex sportscaster journalist.

  11. it doesnt disqualify you

  12. it qualifies you to be a Dem VP.

  13. McCain just hit a home run with Palin, while your experience wouldn't get you a groundout...........

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