
I work 4 days 10 hour shifts. by law how many breaks and how long of a lunch can I get?

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i work a 4-10 schedule a week. I get Friday-Sunday off. Each day how many breaks am i suppose to get? How long of a lunch? only 30min???




  1. In the U.S. you must be given a 1/2 hour meal break if you work more than 6 consecutive hours.  Some companies give more...but usually it's 1/2 hr.  Any other breaks are also up to the company.  Some places where the employees stand at one place (a machine, for instance) they are given 2 -  10 minute breaks - one mid way before lunch and one mid way after.  Again, it is up to the individual employer.  If you are already employed, as you state, you already know what you are being given for breaks ~

  2. There are no Federal laws about breaks for employees.

    In which state are you employed?

  3. In the UK you are entitled to a 20 minute break within a 6 hour period.

    Either paid or unpaid. Any query phone ACAS.

  4. I believe Federal Law saying, any break issue from your employer, if least than 30 minutes, you will stay on the clock and will get pay for.  Any break more than 30 minutes, you have to clock out and will not get pay.

    Length of the break is base on your employer, there is no law on how long is the lunch must be giving.

    You may want to check with your local employment office.


  5. If you are in the US, it depends on your state.  There is no federal law requiring ANY breaks or lunches.  Some states have laws requiring them after a certain length of time worked.

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