
I work as a host at a restaurant. Does anyone have any contest ideas we can do within our department?

by  |  earlier

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My restaurant has daily competitions between the servers to increase performance. The host and hostesses want to have some competions as well, but there aren't alot of options. Any Ideas?




  1. person who got the most tips but thats kinda obvious

    person who was flirted with the most

    person who sold the most chicken

    person who can get the most customers to say a certain word that was picked that day without telling them about the contest (pick really weird words to make it tougher)

    person who gets the most phone numbers

  2. Okay here are some ideas, I work as a corporate trainer myself for Chilis Bar and Grill, I don't know if you have drink menu books on your table but a great way is to put your host and servers on teams and pick a certain drink or appetizer in the book, when you seat the guest at the table suggestive sell that item when the server gets to the table he or she has to do the same thing if the guest orders the item thats a point for your team, then or course which team has the most points at the end of the shift or first cut wins, if you work in a steak house you can do ounces where you suggestive sell the largest ounce steak and what ever team has the most ounce wins. I really hope this helps if I knew what kind of restaurant you worked in I could help you out better, we actually have a book of games in our store if you would like to email me my email is

  3. Whice employee can sell the most "slices," of Pie of the Day," or Cake of the Day," gets a free cake to take home to his/her family.

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