
I work at 4 jobs but i just didn't go back to 2 of them.....

by Guest57714  |  earlier

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I wrk at 4 jobs but my last two i dint like so i would just stop going i would not call to quit or nothing is it ok to like put them on my resume or just not add them and make it seem like i dont have alot of expiernce or waht. I do know im not quiting my jobs like that any more but waht do i do




  1. Don't do that.  If I found out you were that type of employee I would not hire you.  Give them notice.

  2. If you don't call in and quit in a proper fashion even once and apply for a job with us, you don't have a chance of being hired.

    Nobody likes being left flat and with no explanation.

    Not liking a job is not a good reason to quit anyway, unless you have another lined up to take it's place.

  3. Don't put it on your resume, the boss hates people who quit suddenly. You stop going? don't you love money? If it is me I would ask for my last paycheck and tell the boss what is wrong with him and his job.

  4. No, if you want to quit, you don't just stop going to work. You always give advance notice, preferably two weeks'. If you have not worked at those places long, you do not have to put them on your resume. But, regardless of how long you have worked there, if you decide to quit by just not showing up, you had better not put them on the resume for future jobs.

  5. you dont want to put those down. in case they call for reference, youre screwed!

  6. List the things that you did while at those two jobs as "other qualifications".

  7. Do not put them's to your advantage not to...just let them be mistakes you learned from.

  8. Yeah def. don't put them on a resume. That might make employers see you as unreliable if they find out about it. Just focus on the two jobs you stayed with.  

  9. I would put them on the resume. Most people just read over the resume anyway, not like they call all your past jobs.

  10. I'd say it's pretty certain you don't work at four jobs any longer.

    At the rate you're going, you're not going to have the other two for long either.

    Why are you bothering to do a resume when you really don't want to work? Why are you trying to trick people into hiring you when you're just planning on letting them down.

    Yeah, I know - it's all their fault for not appreciating you or treating you right. Poor you.

  11. How long were you at the other jobs?  If you were there shorter than 6 months, don't even bother putting them on your resume.  If you were there longer than that...then only put them on the resume if you were otherwise an OUTSTANDING employee...better than best.  Because when you quit like that -- you leave a really bad taste in their mouth.

  12. if your filling out a resume, ofcourse other places want you to have experience. just tell them what you did and where you worked. thats it.

  13. DO NOT put those down

  14. You should only put them on your resume if you're okay with a prospective employer contacting them.  It sound like that might not be a good idea.

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