
I work at a center a lil girl there got pneumonia I sat w/her waiting to be picked up could I of got it?

by  |  earlier

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I was waking up in the middle of the night coughing and now it is all day. There is plem,weezing shortness of breath or if I take a deep breath I cough and started to get pains in my chest althought I never get heart burn could I of got it or am I over reacting could it just be a little bug?




  1. Pnuemonia can be contagious.  My son had it and we were told he was contagious.  If you are wheezing and having chest pain, you probably have it or are close to having it.  I was just in the doctor's office yesterday for the same problem.  My symptoms started Saturday.  My lungs were burning and when I cough my ribs hurt.  It hurts to breath and I have been holding a pillow to my ribs to try to ease the pain.  I was told yesterday that I had walking pnuemonia.  I asked the doctor if it would be okay to go to my parents house until my husband got home and I was told that I was contagious.  They told me to stay home, bundled up, and try to sleep and stay warm. I hope you feel better soon.  That little girl was contagious and you should go to the doctor before it gets worse.

  2. Pneumonia is not contagious because I won't go into detail.

    But if you do get it, see a doctor ASAP! Remember Bernie Mac?

    Yeah you don't want to end up like that.

    Unless you're emo and you do?

  3. pneumonia is not contagious

  4. Pnuemonia is not contaigus, you might be getting a touch of the hypochondria. You are overreacting, and probably convinving your body you're sick. I wouldn't worry about it.

  5. Pneumonia normally strikes people who have low resistance.  It is not all that contagious, although people can pass it to other people.

    You could get it.  A lot of things can cause a cough.  Do you have a fever as well?  If you aren't sure get it checked out.  See your doctor.

    Pneumonia can be a deadly disease.  You don't want any part of it.

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