
I work at a daycare and I have a 2 year old that just wants to play with himself.....Please help?

by  |  earlier

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He just lays on his belly and kind of like plays with himself constantly and if i make him get up and stop he just completly freaks out. I am almost worried that something is giong on at home or he has seen something. i really need professional help on this one. please dont answer with stupid answers only real proffesional opinions. thanks




  1. . Maybe not but possible Autism, Check it out. Did you talk to parents? Does child relate with others. Communication skills

  2. It's normal. He's realizing it feels good and when you make him stop he doesn't realize why. He doesn't see it as a bad thing. He's two so it's hard to explain this to him without him learning more than he needs to and as a worker it's not your job. I recently had a clients mom ask me almost the same question and looked it up on the age appropriate sexual bx's list at work. It's not always the norm with all kids but it does fall on the specturm of normal bx.  I don't have the paper on me but if you are super concerned talk to his parents about it and they can worry.

  3. I think its natural for  young boys to play with themselves !!

    All the time isn't natural! Maybe you need to discuss this with his parents . Then they can  made be aware of the situation.

    and discuss it with their family dr.Could be a comfort thing for him  because he is missing his parents. It also could be that you are making too much of a big deal out of the situation ignor him for awhile see if he stops.

  4. Its normal for him to play with himself, but not constantly and he should not be freaking out about it.  I would talk to the director and see what he/she suggests.  I would also talk to the parents and to see if its a problem at home and how they handle it.  You may want to document it as a concern just to be on the safe side.  If anything comes back you can say "Yes, I documented it and talk to my director".  Also document that you talked to the director.

  5. My godson did this exact same thing at that age. My best friend took him to the doctor because she was freaking out, thinking maybe someone close to her and the boy was possibly doing something to him. From what the doc said it is perfectly normal for a boy at that age to "explore" his body. There is no real sexual response from the p***s at that age, that is there is no ejaculation etc.

    Please read the links I attached. It explains A LOT about this behavior.

  6. Hi there,

    Are there any other behaviors that seem to be "abnormal?" Does he use words yet? Does he make eye contact? Is he an only child at home? What are his eating habits like? Is this something that he has done from day 1 or is it new? Also, have you talked to his parents about it? They are your best source of information right now. Pay attention to their reaction when you talk to them about it. They may not be aware of it at all and it could be something he only does at your place.

    I am studding to be a child psychologists, so I am far from being a professional yet, but I do have 3 kids of my own (6,4 and 21 months).

    If you have children of your own, you should call their pediatrician and he should be able to point you at the right direction.

  7. Have you talked to his parents about it?

  8. You need to tell the parents and you also need to stop him from doing that in front of the other kids. There is a possibility he has been sexually abused so keep that in mind also. Kids do explore their bodies, but not in front of others, more when they're alone. Also tell the head of your school and watch for other signs of possible abuse such as pain when going to the bathroom or a reluctance to be touched, loss of appetite, etc.

  9. it  could be  autism my sonwas like that. He was like that at home and daycare. then when he was 3 my friend told us to get him checked for autism and sure enough. the earlier it gets caught the earlier he can get help to learn to work with people since that is hard for autistic people of any age to do

  10. you really need to report this behavior... it is not normal at all for a child to throw a fit when you tell them to stop something like that.. i have a friend that it happened to with there kid.. My friend told me that her girl would lay on the edge of the couch and swing her leggs like scissors.. it wasn't until she was 9 that her parents found out.. and it possibly happened to the child from the age of 4 til then.. so yes you need to report it.. you might be wrong.. but in the long run it will ease your mind..

  11. How long has he been coming to you?  

    Has he been socialized with other children before? Does he have siblings, neighbours, cousins tha the plays with?  He might not know how to play with other children.  

    He is still fairly young.  Are there other warning signs about home life?  I would discuss with his parents, and ask them if they have any techniques they use at home.  Say you want the transition to be as smooth as possible.  Tell them what you have tried, and they may be able to mention soemthing.  

    He may have something wrong, like autism, etc.  As a professional though you never want to suggest this to the parents.  Give the parents the facts, and you can suggest that they have it looked into - but never say you think it is ____________.  That could get you into a lot of trouble legally.

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