
I work for a communication company that union don't help with c**p... HELP?

by  |  earlier

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I work for a communication company that has a union but when we report things with proof and documents nothing happens and then we are thrown under the bus and then management treats you funny and tell us we have attitudes and maybe we should look for work else where and some end up fired all of a sudden what do we do???




  1. Unions continue to serve an important purpose in some areas of employment.  A FACT well known by "union" companies is the required training and skills that are "mandatory".  Specific "training" is followed to insure the absolute best quality worker available.  In many areas of business, i.e., construction, etc., only "union" workers are "hired" due to the above.

    Now my point, you will find companies currently unionized for "business" purposes.  Attained "jobs" are awarded due to your company's "union" status.  Management, not in union, knows if an employee is "terminated" the union replaces.

    Unions are there to "protect" and "support" employees, their members.  Your union representative sounds "weak" or knows someone within management.  I, personally, have friends and family in unions, GM and IBEW, and I am told "threats" by management is dealt with "swiftly".

    Good Luck. stay positive.

  2. citizens advice for rules and regulations right of workers and employers try union websites see how many their is.check your own unions website complain your rep isnt doing union job you pay to keep union running

  3. Quit and go to work for a non-union company like Wal-Mart

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