
I work for a construction company and have been here for 10 years. I started at 10.00 an hour with a new

by Guest57581  |  earlier

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accountant (who was a lady) and she up'd my pay within the first 6 months to 12.00 an hour. She was fired the second year because the old accountant got his job back. (he is friends with the boss and had argument which is why he walked off the job) When she quit I left with her. He called me back to work for him and I have been here for 10 years and in the 9th year during Christmas given a .50 raise. He knows I am the breadwinner in the house and having trouble with home life (bipolar husband) Is he just using me? Everyone is in Union and get regular pay increases yearly. I have no medical, dental, nothing.




  1. sounds like your getting ripped off if you know what your doing .   I would suggest looking for a new job it sounds like you have good experance and are worth more money. Or talk to your boss about more money or you walk. but look for work first just in case they say walk.

  2. Look around in your area on,, and for jobs similar to yours. My hunch is you'll find that yes, you are being used.

  3. Go talk to the boss and then the union to seewhere you stand. Then you will know what to do.

  4. you have only got one raise in 10 years?  Then yes, if you are saying you got regular raises then on top of that got an extra around xmas then I would say no.

  5. It does not sound like a pleasant place to work anyways.   The fact that you haven't gotten a raise in so many years and have no benefits makes me think you are being taken advantage of probably because you are the breadwinner.  Your boss thinks you wouldn't quit because you have to have the money to support your family.

    Please take the time to update your resume, talk to some friends, someone at church etc. and try to find another job.  

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