
I work for a major corporation and I'm on long term disability?

by  |  earlier

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When I worked for them I had a nervous breakdow due to work load and they have had me on long term disability since 2005, and they have also given me my medical insurance. Now they say they are going to terminate me and take away my medical insurance, I have finally gotten Medicare after fighting for 2 years but won, but I feel the company has the responsibility to also give me insurance and not terminate me as long as they say they will continue to give me my long term disability until I reach the age of 65, I'm 60 now. Does anybody have the answer?




  1. I'm sorry, but what you FEEL and what the law is or your contract with them stipulates, are two different things.

    Probably, they feel since you now have medicare there is no need for them to provide continuing insurance, and perhaps your long term disability only  pays to age 60.

       When business expenses have to be cut, things like this are given a very hard look, and if they can get out from paying, they will do just that.

    If you work for a major corporation, it is probably spelled out in your benefits handbook.

  2. Once they terminate you, you aren't eligible for their health plan any more.  It's not up to your employer, that's the way group health insurance works - you have to be an EMPLOYEE.

    You've got Medicare now, so I'm paying for your health insurance.  Why do you need your employer to insure you also?  

    I don't think anyone has the answer, because even though I saw a few question marks, you only wrote statements.  

    Your employer is NOT your daddy, and is NOT responsible for you until you're 65.  AND, they don't run the disability program - after two years, be prepared for new medical evaluations, and be expected to have them tell you they want you to go work at a low stress job somewhere.

  3. You can feel whatever you want, but someone has to do the job you aren't doing anymore, and that company owes you nothing.

  4. I am sorry to hear your troubles.  

    Group Health Insurance is a good safety net but there are alot of exclusions and limitations.  One of the biggest is often the definition of disability.  For the first two years it is usually very favourable to the insured, and then it changes to a less favorable definition.

    Without knowing specifics as to why they are cancelling my best guess is the definition has past the two year point and they feel you are able to do a job (but maybe not your old job).  or there is something in the policy saying that if you get benefits elsewhere they are no longer responsible.

    You really need to examine the master policy and compare it to the reason why they are terminating your LTD benefit.  

    Sorry I can't offer more help without knowing their stated reason AND knowing the group insurance contract.

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