
I work for a small drilling company in the uk

by  |  earlier

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i leave for work in the morning and come home in the afternoon/evening. after some time i asked for a pay rise and as usual my boss said no. he thinks that paying a bonus for not taking sick leave is enough. so i decided to take a second job in the evening. i told my employer the next day and he was fine with it. now he's asking me to phone in sick on my second job so i can work away from home for a few days or can i use my holidays not going to phone in sick and i dont want to use my holidays just to please my employer and work away so what rights do i have




  1. My boss says he'll give extra pay for more responsiblities or duties, but not just for more service.

    I'd say do what you think is right.

  2. I think in your mind you've worked this one out,he can't force you to do anything.

  3. It depends on the terms of your employment contract. If you have worked away from home before, or your contract states that you are expected to work away, then your employer would have every right to insist that you do so.

    Your employer seems to be giving you the chance to arrange something that doesn't mean that you will lose one or both jobs.

  4. Do what is best for you and not your employer.

  5. The Big mistake you done is to tell the first Employer that you got a second JOB....soon he will ask you to choose his Job or the new Job...and your chances are  if he really needs you if you choose the  first job possible he will give  you  a lot more money that you earning now...or after you make the choice just to make an example out of you  he will fire you....Check with the Labor Dept. to find out  what rights you have

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