
I work for a very unhappy person should I look for another job

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I work for a very unhappy person should I look for another job? Can someone please help me out, i have been working in this company for the last six years and my boss is never happy. She always yells and looks down on everyone. Once in a blue moon she is nice but rest of time, she makes work feel like h**l.

 Tags: job, look, person, unhappy



  1. Tina Marshal

    There is nothing worse than working for an unhappy person.  for example I know this friend who has this story to share:

    Work is in full transition, formed to undertake a new career. He has worked in numerous organizations and all of them have lived with conflicting heads.

    " Coming out of college I really wanted to enroll in a business project where you can grow professionally and feel useful. I'm passionate about communication. This is the reason that in the last eight years I have worked in corporate communications departments. During this time, I had all kinds of bosses, most quite toxic. on one occasion, for example, I was discussing with my boss a project in which the decision was strategic. my professional judgment was quite different from his, and I felt the duty to make him see... he cut me off , didn’t even finish what I was saying. he started yelling vehemently, saying that he was the only one who knew how they should do things.

    And he cared very little about what I think, because my role was simply following his orders. ie instead of reasoning, he put himself on the defensive, turning the conversation into a personal attack. He generated a hostile work environment, which was not valued nor took advantage of the talents of professionals who worked there. did not want employees with initiative but submissive subordinates to exploit.

    What did my friend do? He started his own company and today is the biggest competitor for his boss from h**l.   You should do the same, start a company or find yourself a better job. You have nothing to lose, you next boss can't be worst than what you already have.  


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