
I work in Gloucester........?

by  |  earlier

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and I live in Cheltenham. We have no water at home or in the office. Legally am I allowed to work with no water or sanatation?





  1. No, certainly wouldn't think so.

    BTW: Hope your home wasn't badly affected by the floods and that everything gets back to normal for you soon. Good luck.

  2. I feel very sorry for you it must be very uncomfortable and heart breaking to see all the damaged homes.  No you can't work in a place where there is no sanitation.  The risk of infection is too high.  Besides where do you go if you need the toilet it is just not right to expect you to work in conditions like that.  Good luck and I hope things get better for you soon.

  3. No, if the water supply is cut off your boss should send you home.

  4. hey, I just asked that question too- living in cheltenham- I'm sure it must be against some sort of health and safety law- when you have to have 3 mops for kitchen, bathroom and other areas, and you can't chaange your own lightbulb, I can't believe that you can go to work in a large well populated office and have no sanition.

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