
I work in a restaurant, my offer letter was for 48 hrs(work permit) but i was opted out to 55 hr in my

by  |  earlier

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contract. now i do 60 hrs a week and when i try to speak to my employers they threaten me with transfer to other outlet or sack ( ive worked for 2 yrs)they've transferred a colleague with out his consent by threatening him, poor guy had 3 days to get his kids out of school to another town. is all this legal? nobody says anything cuz they fear being whistle blowers, and may get the stick or door. help




  1. Join a Union - even if it is only for one or two months and get them to help. Some of it will depend on what is in your contract and how it is worded. If the job market is OK in your area I would just look for another job as they don't sound like a good employer. Also fighting this type of thing is a long and difficult process even when you are clearly correct and your employer is clearly in the wrong. Sadly future employers don't always like the fact you have taken action against a previous employer - all other things being equal nobody wants to take on a trouble maker!

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