
I work in the mall, i need some advice.

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i work in abercrombie, and i get a 15 minute break. however, when i go to the food court, nothing is healthy. i worry about my weight, although i'm not overweight. i just don't like eating things that are rediculously high in calories. there are only four places i like to eat, and they are;

wendy's - chicken sandwich 330 calories, or 5 piece chicken nuggets 230 calories.

wetzels pretzels - pretzel with butter 384 calories

sbarro- one plain cheese slice - 486 calories!

haggen dazs- one half cup of vanilla bean light is 200 calories.

what do i do!? pack my lunch like i go to elementary school?




  1. it is NOT like elementary school to pack your lunch, in fact its the smartest thing to do! you will save LOTS of money, plus have a healthy meal, and not gain weight! pack a salad or wholesome sandwich.  

  2. Bring some fresh salads and healthy sandwiches to lunch.  

  3. It's so hard to eat out and be healthy, especially fast food.  I would definitely suggest packing your lunch.  I bring my lunch to work everyday and not only is it sooooo much healthier but you save a lot of money too.

  4. PACK YOUR LUNCH!!! How many people are now taking their lunch to work? Its not like being in elementary school, its called saving money and being able to count calories. Make a sandwich and add some  light chips or take left overs from last nights supper. Buy one can of chicken/tuna for $3.00 and make chicken/tuna salad and you will have enough for 1 weeks worth of sandwiches instead of buying fast food. I pack my lunch everyday and my favorite is a meatloaf sandwich, which in my opion is the best sandwich in the world!  

  5. ....Bring you own lunch

  6. Oh no!  That's all they have in your food court?!?  That stinks!  

    I always get Made In Japan at the food court because its pretty healthy (rice and veggies).

    If that's your only options, i would definitely pack a snack instead of buying it (at least once in a while so your not eating that stuff every day).

  7. haha. i was actually in your situation.

    i too worked at abercrombie and all we had was high calorie food and you wouldn't believe all the girls [and guys] that packed their lunches most days because of it.

    who cares what everyone else thinks if you pack your lunch?!

    the way i look at it, you're just looking out for your health and your wallet, you'll save money by packing your lunch and you'll save yourself the worry of gaining weight.

    best of luck to you!


  8. No, you just take a yogurt and thats it also take soup in a thermos you will look sophistacated

  9. pack your lunch-youll have more choices of what to eat and you'll save alot of money

  10. i say if you dont have time to pack just get the wendys sandwich.

  11. Wendy's and Sbarro both have salads.  Bring your own dressing.

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