
I work with kids and have a 15 month old toddler in my care... ?

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He HATES solid food and throws a tantrum when it is time to eat.He spits out pretty much all of the food. He gets 50/50 milk/formula from a bottle after lunch. The bottle has to be warmed (and it has to be very warm!) Also, I have to feed him. He does not know how to feed himself. When he tries to pick up the food he uses his thumb and his first joint instead of the pinser grasp. Any ideas???? I'm at a loss of what to do with this child. I feel like I'm taking care of a baby in a toddler class. Help please.




  1. Sounds like he may have some special needs. Maybe he doesn't get proper attention at home.  

  2. If he is not developed like the other toddlers in your group, then you are taking care of a baby instead of a toddler, and then you have to consider whether it is worth it for you to continue having him as part of your group. if you have to feed him his bottle instead of him handling it on his own, and this impedes on your being available for the rest of the kids, then you just might have to tell his mom, that although you love watching her baby, your playgroup/ is not the best environment for him.

  3. And?  He may not be able to eat solid foods!  I hate to break it to you, but he may be normal or he may need occupational therapy.  Perhaps he has an oversensitive mouth and solid food is overwhelming, or as in the case of my son he has an undersensitive mouth and may not be able to really chew effectively.  For my son he would stuff his mouth full, try to swallow without chewing, and then puke.  I prefer feeding him mush to him puking everywhere, since this child needs food to grow and learn I suggest you take care of him the way he needs care.

    He will learn his fine motor skills by using his gross (large) motor skills - by pushing things around, running, jumping, climbing, etc....  Encourage him to get a lot of exercise and body movement.  Put little beads into clay and have him dig them out.  And for eating, give him a easy food for him and reward him after a few bites with a reward - like playing with a special toy for a little bit.

    Other then that, I don't know.  My oldest is now 3.5 years old, I still feed him 75% of the time.  I have had a "baby" for 3.5 years, and it is tiring, especially since he requires about 2,000 calories most days (he's slender, don't worry - he is just energetic and big).  It's even harder since his younger brother follows his example and now I have two "babies".  

    Don't get mad with this child, he really and truly is technically a baby until he is 3 years old.  He has little control over much in his life, and I know he's not doing this to thwart you or get extra attention - he may just not be able to handle solid foods.

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