
I work with race horses and have a job title/pay question.?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering if anyone with experience in this field could help me out. I don't know what my job title is, or how much I should be getting paid for what I am doing.

I work from 0730-5pm Mon-Fri and from 0730-12 on Sat. When we go train at the track I work from 0430- 5pm (unless its Sat and I only work till around 12). In the mornings I pretty much assist the trainer with 8 race horses. I brush, tack, hot walk, bathe, help the trainer if he needs anything at the gate etc (groom?). In the afternoons I work with 24 yearlings(12 on even days, 12 more on odd days) with another girl to break them to walking, hot walker, grooming, neck sweats etc.

I had never worked with racehorses before, but had owned a horse for a few years and worked with Draft horses previously. I dont know where I would rate in experience and skill, but I am good at my job, a quick learner and work hard.

So, knowing that, any idea what my title would be or what is a fair wage per hour? Thank you!!




  1. I would say your job title would be groom even though most grooms wouldn't be asked to assist the trainer with gate work.  Most trainers prefer to pay a flat wage over an hourly wage.  A  groom salary can range anywhere from $300-$550 a week.  Most new grooms are usually started out at $300-$350 a week though.  Some trainers also usually give grooms bonuses when horses win.  So you can sometimes expect to pick up a little more when one of the horses wins.  Usually it is never more than $50-$100 extra but it is nice to recieve a little extra now and then.

  2. agree

  3. I am a bit confused here ,

    You said you go to the gate to groom ?

    And on Sat,s only until 12:00 noon ?

    Are you on a farm ?

    I have worked on both .. for many many yrs

    Most farm's will recognize you as a  Head groom "

      And thats a lot of work ,,

    What do you get paid now ?

    Most would get about $1,800 -$-2,200 a month and a free place to live..

    If your not getting that well your a slave to them ""

    When we where working at farms in the early 80's we got 7.00, a head for one horse and never had to walk a hot or tack or groom , we would get on as many as 20 horses a day a apiece

    Be done by 2: in the afternoon ,, and a free place to live

    we worked 6 days a week unless some horse had to be ridden ,, Now thats a farms

    At the race track when a meet is on's always 7 days a week ,,

    A asst, trainer does not have to realLy break colts etc.

    He or she is their to be the trainers right hand man ,,

    yes he may have to tack or grooom e,t,c when a geoom does not show up ??

    DO you ride on the track ?

    please give me more information ,, Then I can help you some more O.K.

  4. I am in Ontario, but this is what I got.

    When I started on the farm, I got free accomodations in a 1 bedroom apartment, and 450.00 a week.

    Most owners prefer to pay a salary.

  5. sorry girl, but your being paid way to little,,

    If your doing all you say you are?,,

    and if your a student ,,thats why they pay you so less,

    they know your cheap labor for the summer when all the HARD WORK HAS TO BE DONE ,,

    Best advise is::::: to stay the summer, save every penny and LEARN LEARN ,,

    Then next yr you charge them 15, a hour period.

    Working students always get the cheaper wage.

    See they know you need a job,, so they give you one thats not a promoting one,, if they are teaching you ,, they think you should pay for it ??

    I hate those tight wads . Your title Should be,, HEAD GROOM

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