
I work with someone who I used to consider to be my friend. Recently she burned me bigtime.?

by  |  earlier

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My boss called me in to tell me one of my co-workers was complaining about me. She told me in full detail everything that was said to her--all lies. After her investigating it, she determined that they in fact were malicious lies.

After all was said and done, my "friend" said she didn't mean to harm me or cause me to lose my job.

I now have to work with her and just the sight of her makes me want to throw up. I can't quit, as I have too many years invested in this job, I love what I do, and I make terrific money.

Any advice on how to handle her?




  1. Tell us more about this...You didn't say what exactly your "friend" complained about. What reason would she have to complain about you if you've done nothing wrong? (Just help you with an answer...)

  2. Well, the boss is definitely on your side now as they realize the other person lied.  So you shouldn't have to worry about her back stabbing with that boss again.

    That being said I wouldn't talk to her more than a "Hello" Unless you absolutely have to for your job.  Then just do your job with her that's needed and then don't say or have anything to do with her the rest of the time.

    Also, she meant to get you fired.. Do you make more than her?  Was she gunning for your job/pay?

  3. i would distance myself from that person, and never speak to them again.

  4. This is what I would do, at work be nice and polite to her the best u can ( so u don't loose your job) but then after work if or when u see her, just simply ask her why she did what she did. If u still can't deal with working with her maybe try talking to your boss about maybe moving her or something.

  5. First off, I'd put her on notice that she's on my sh-- list and let her know in so many words that she made no points with me then let it go and hopefully I could move on and be able to work with her but I be watching her every move around me and wouldn't trust her again!

  6. Some poeple just love trouble, eh?

    Definitely quitting gives her the upper hand, don't do that. My opinion is that you need to treat her like a co worker, not a friend.  Let her know that you are all about business.  If anything personal comes up tell her that you really don't feel its appropriate to discuss your personal life on work time and let it at that.  

    You shouldn't feel bad, she should be the one ashamed of herself.  Just know you are the better person and let it show.  The tension will fade after you define your relationship and let her know how it will be.

    So good luck...

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