
I worked in a building where we had some strange?

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things happening. We found out later that the former occupants of the building also stated there was something going on there.

When we moved in new walls were in it was changed.

. At first I didn't think too much about it when others were talking about the strange occurences until I was upstairs, while in the building alone, where the snack machine was and I reached into my pocket to see how much money I had and I said out loud to myself, "Oh, I have enough to buy something for the ghost." Loud laughter came from some lockers and those lockers were hardly big enough for a small child to get in. I still thought maybe it came from outside through air conditioning vents. Although I had never heard anything coming through the vents before. Later, other co-workers who worked overtime on Saturday said they would hear loud laughter from down the hall and no one was there. Apparently our ghost was a party boy. Has anyone had similar experien?




  1. I had a ouija board laugh at me one time. I thought it was saying A....H....but it was saying H.....A...over and over..HA HA HA HA....We were shocked..but not really really scared..just stopped playing it.

    I agree that it's better not to be afraid. It's even more important (to me) not to go telling people and not to even acknowledge it.  Like he said...just ignore it. (or pretend that you're ignoring it and don't hear or see it) (Just my opinion.)

  2. Sometimes if things are altered in a building, it stirs up paranormal activity.  You indeed may have something in the building, but it doesn't appear from your discription to be bothersome.  See if you can get it to talk so that you can get it on tape.  Just get a recorder and a.) go about you business as usual or b) take the recorder and actually talk to it.  You may not hear a thing, but then you might get some interesting stuff on tape.

  3. haha, my house was haunted really bad....we had to get our priest to bless our worked. I had my hair pulled, cold spots, name called, doors slammed, chain on door rattling, chairs squeeking. They feed off fear, if you let it get to you, they will continue to scare you. Just ignore it, and act like you never heard anything. it works, trust me.

  4. Yes, couple of times.  Nothing threatening, and, like you was curious to discover who and or what was happening.  Did discover two who had lived in homes I was redoing. Peaceful coexistence. Nary a problem.

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