
I worry about everything and i cant enjoy life

by  |  earlier

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im 19 years old im trying to get a job and with the worst luck i cant a job nowhere, and whenever i have apain anywhere in my body i worry about it and think the worst possiable thing and i really just cant in joy life at all, im getting ready to go to college in the winter/spring and i feel like my life is in chaos i just dont know what to do or where to turn my home life is ok but just seems depressing, and to add to it i cant stop worrying about everything i think there is something wrong with my body eveytime i feel a slight pain or something, the only thing im happy for in my life is my great girlfriend, i just need some help on how to sort my life out and just enjoy my life.

serious answers plz, dont come in here and be leaving really dumb things plz and thanks




  1. It sounds like you suffer from being a mitochondriac.... Like you have the fear of being sick... I'm sort of like this so I can understand. I used to worry myself sick that I had some sort of disease. I guess my advise would be to go get a physical and find out how you are. Another thing I learned that no matter what happens in life, its way too short man. You have no major symptoms from what you typed so understand that if you had something you would know. See if you and your "great girlfriend" can get away from everything and take a little vacation. Go have fun and allow yourself to relax. At 19 lots of kids have stressful lives with everything that's going on. That's normal, but sometime you need to get away because depression and your feelings aren't healthy mentally or physically. So, go see a doctor and get a physical, and tell him how you feel. He should be able to give you a good answer! I hoped this helped email if you need more advise.

  2. I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder (depression, fatigue, constant aches; sounds a lot like you, you should look it up; though the semantics didn't help me) a long while back. I stayed sick for a year and a half. The doctors threw drugs and more drugs around, with no progress, until finally I gave up on Western medicine and turned to a more holistic form of recovery (acupuncture, etc., nothing too "out there") and I think that helped.

    But what really led to my recovery, I believe, is my letting go. Letting go of worries, anger, fear, etc. It was an extremely hard thing to do but it was necessary for me to get over whatever the h**l had a hold on me. My academia, and societal production may be suffering some, but I feel better, and that's what's important for me and my loved ones.

    Get used to the feeling you have when your girlfriend makes you laugh. Take that emotion and try to spread it into other facets of your life. This feels VERY forced, in the beginning, but it gets easier over time. When your worries are overcoming you, and you begin to feel sick, say "**** IT!" (out loud, if it's an appropriate time) and just walk away. Go and do something that really puts you at ease (i.e., biking, fishing, long division, whatever it may be); I listened to music, because it puts me into a real "centered" state (not to go hippie on you, but you know what I mean. Speaking of hippies, weed only helped me while doing

    Now this has gotten me into trouble on a few occasions (not the weed, mind you, but the sacrificing of whatever was bringing about an unsettling feeling), but part of saying that you don't care about a situation is doing the same for its consequences. Obviously there are some consequences worth taking and some that aren't, so use your better judgement.

    This is what helped me recover after a year and a half of absolute stagnation. And I hope that it can help you.

  3. pray.

    and spend a lot of time with your girl if she's the one who makes you feel really better.

    every second you spend worrying is an hour lost of your time to enjoy life and to appreciate the people around you.

  4. Try to call Him everytime you feel weary and always pray to Him ....He   will    ease the pain.....

  5. Can you afford to live without a job now (I can't, and I am facing the same problem with you)? If so, then have you look into volunteering works for peace corp? A change of scenery and contact with foreign land usually are key elements to life changing experiences.

    Again, walk out of your own limitation and believe in your potential. Open your window to the world that you haven't explored before. Even if these can't solve the problem entirely, but you will be able to change your disappointment over life slowly.

    Always remember one thing - someone always has it worse than you. When I visited Brasil in 2003, my trip changed my life within 30 minutes inside the country.

  6. did you know world war 3 may have begun on 8-8-08?  Mededvev, the president of russia may be the young leader the prophets have talked about who will start world war 3 is in charge of russia which has invaded georgia.  China will back russia and the united states will be alone in fighting these two giants.  Not to mention iran will go nuclear on israel and america will get involved in that war as well.  Did you know the aids epidemic is not 10x worse than first predicted...and spreading?  Did you know that america is now in the 2nd great depression which is far worse than being in a recession which the government is ashamed to announce.  Did you know that alien contact has been made and they are going to come back and eat us after we have finished nuking each other to death.  The aliens are waiting for us like food in a microwave.  Are you still worried?

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